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The Church of God (7th Day)
Salem,West Virginia
Join Pastor Bud Randall in a series of Pastor Study videos.
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Doc. Point #2, God
God, our heavenly Father, wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Doc. Point #1, The Bible
How can one know what God expects except they study what He says.

Belief or Unbelief, Your Choice
The path is laid out. Which will you choose?

I Have Seen the Kingdom!
Is it just like John describes in Revelation?

The Superiority of Jesus
Jesus leads the way in all categories.

Talking About Prayer to a Non-believer
Some ideas to help others learn to pray.

Angels Part 2
Further comments about these ministering spirits

What these ministering spirits have done and are doing

Theory on the Two Witnesses of Rev.11
This my opinion and not a teaching or doctrine of the church.
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